They are doing some construction work near my condo and have this pink dumpster for the trash and debris. It is eye catching so I grabbed a quick shot the other morning. Then, later that the afternoon I happened to see it with nice light and needed to stop again. I walked around it looking for any image that might appear. I settled on the shadows of the steps.

That’s pretty nice. That must be freshly painted because it’s in a good state of repair – no scratches, etc. One morning, I saw a pink two truck with a license plate: Towing for Ta-Tas
Monte Stevens
It just looked new. They were filling it with the debris people throw into the open marsh area: tires, a couch, beer bottles and all sorts of trash. Disrespectful people are the root of most of it. Now, that license plate would be worth photographing.
Speaking of pink, we had to recently purchase a new child’s car seat for our car for use by our grandkids (one granddaughter and one grandson, different parents) and we were looking for a bargain since it’s only likely to be used once in a while. There was a sale on one with pink trim, so we ordered it. Of course the mother of the grandson couldn’t believe we’d put her son in a pink trimmed car seat. We told her it was good to start breaking stereotypes while they’re young. Get over it—the privileges of being the grandparents and not the parents.
You certainly captured the pepto-bismol of dumpsters here, Monte…glad they were using it for what they were!
Monte Stevens
LOL Yes, there are perks at being a grandparent. I remember drinking that stuff when I was a kid. Wonder what was in it. Maybe I don’t want to know.
LOL! I like the way that you took command, Earl!