My online journal where I share my interests in photography, nature, coffee life, journaling, fountain pens, bicycling, spirituality and asking deep questions.
Every so often the impulse strikes to get back on a motorcycle and these scenes bring some of that on. These young ladies sure brought on a smile for me.
Tom Dills
I’d smile if I had a scooter, too. But probably not as much if it was a pink one….
Monte Stevens
Every so often the impulse strikes to get back on a motorcycle and these scenes bring some of that on. These young ladies sure brought on a smile for me.
Monte: I’m seeing it. New motorcycle … custom paint job – PINK! 😀
Tom! I think that you’d look absolutely lovely on a pink scooter. In fact, if I saw you one one, I’d smile quite a bit! 😀
Tom Dills
I will when you do! Race ya! 😉