Looking these up on the internet I think these are small Erigeron strigosus (Prairie Fleebane) daisies found on my walk at the Arapahoe Bend Nature area. They were in clumps of 10-12 scattered randomly in the sun and the shade. Whatever they are they sure made my walk enjoyable.
I like these as well. There were quite a few of them lining the streets a few weeks ago. Now, their numbers are far fewer. Summer approaches.
Monte Stevens
No fragrance that I can detect but they brighten up the arid land around these parts. They wool probably be gone soon, also. But that’s okay as I enjoy them while they last.
Great composition and interesting variations of light. I love these little flowers with the delicate feathery edges.
Monte Stevens
Aren’t they awesome! The wind was blowing while taking these shots so the tree branches would move in and out, giving me shade or bright light. I had to time it just right to get the shade.
Matt the Brisbane Photographer
Beautiful shot – so nice and soft towards the backof the petals.
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Matt, for dropping in and leaving a comment.