Here is another update on my health and what the doctors have planned for me. To be honest I’m not all that excited about having to deal with these health issues. But as my friend Christina says, “Life gets Lifey.” The next few days will be a busy time for me. I have a pre-op meeting/testing on Tuesday the 7th giving me instructions on preparation for surgery and what to expect. Then Thursday morning the 9th will be my final iron infusion. So far none of the infusions have had any side effects. The iron infusions are bringing my blood count numbers up except for the platelets which seem to fluctuate but in a downward direction. Because of the low platelet numbers they will be doing a bone marrow biopsy on Friday the 10th at MCR in their effort to discover what’s going on. On Monday the 13th I will be given another infusion, this one with platelets to bring the platelet numbers up. Its purpose is to prepare me for the VIV TAVR (Valve-in-Valve Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement) procedure/surgery scheduled for the next morning, Tuesday the 14th. Hopefully everything goes well and I will see an improvement in my anemia and the malfunctioning aortic valve. Prayers and thoughts are welcomed.
The image is from a road trip I made back in 2013. This was taken at a coffee shop in Cortez, Colorado, called the Spruce Tree Espresso house. It changed its name to Bean Tree Coffee House and is now closed. I found the door inviting and led out onto a large outdoor patio area. I think it would be interesting to revisit these coffee shops, if they are still open, and see how they have changed, or not.
Wishing you the best Monte over these next 2 stressful weeks.
I’ve had a bone marrow biopsy myself. A bit of soreness for a while, but not too bad relative to other things.
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Mark. Plenty to keep me busy and hopefully healthy for few more years. I’ll let you know how the biopsy goes.
Sounds like a full and not-so-enjoyable couple of weeks, my friend. I agree “life does get lifey,” and this is one of those times. The best we can do is make wise choices when we can and let the experts do what they do. As always, Bonnie and I are sending you best wishes and good thoughts. Please keep us updated when you can.
It is a very inviting door and it draws me to it.
Monte Stevens
If I had my druthers…. But this is my life and hopefully I can face it all with faith and trust in the medical staff and my bodies recovery. I will keep you updated.
Tom Dills
That’s a lot of ‘alphabet soup’ but Kathy and I sent along our best wishes for a low-stress couple of weeks and a speedy recovery.
Yes, life does get lifey sometimes, but it also beats the heck out of the alternative!
Monte Stevens
Thanks for the best wishes. A speedy recovery would be nice, so thanks!
Faye White
That’s a lot of hurdles but I’m confident you will win! Thoughts and prayers on the way. Be strong, Monte.
Monte Stevens
Thank you, my friend!
Geri Oster
Monte, thank you for sharing the timeline of procedures. I will be mindful of you each day as you faithfully walk this path. The open door is inviting, inviting me to step through the portal of fear to the opportunity for good that awaits me, and I believe awaits you, Monte, on the other side of the difficulties of the next weeks. Certainly, prayers will continue. Peace and joy, Monte.
Monte Stevens
Thank you, Geri! Prayers welcome!