Yesterday in memory of my mother I went to the Dairy Queen and ordered her favorite flavored blizzard, a Butterfinger Blizzard. I then drove to Pineridge Natural Area to journal. A light rain began falling followed by this full rainbow. I like how nature gives us these gifts. This is my first attempt at a panorama, three images – handheld, done in Lightroom Classic. Pretty darn easy.
We had a nice refreshing rain during the night with lightning and thunder, making it much cooler this morning. It was 52 when I left the condo at 5:30 am. And, we had snow yesterday in RMNP. Have a great day!
Amazing image Monte. I imagine your admirable discipline in journaling will be helpful during this sad time.
Monte Stevens
Yes. Even sitting with a pen in my hand and staring at a blank page has its own healing aspect to it.
“Somewhere over the rainbow”, what a beautiful sight!
Monte Stevens
I love that song. Thanks, Faye.
Tom Dills
Some things ya just got to do, Monte.
Nice rainbow! You don’t even need to find the pot ‘o good to get the treasure!
Monte Stevens
The sacrifices we make. My sister sent me a message last night and her and her daughter went to DQ last night for a toast to mom.
I’ve done some hand-held panos and always think, it’s TOO easy! There must be something terribly wrong that I’m not seeing. I’ll check at 100% and still it looks good. Nonetheless, congrats on finding this beautiful scene and capturing it so well. And I hope your journalling went well. I haven’t written in mine since my daughters entered high school (long time ago). I’ve cracked them open but I’m very hesitant to read them. It’s like they belong to someone else, someone I don’t know. Do you think they’re for the author to read, or someone else?
Monte Stevens
I’m able to see the offset with the trees in the foreground but it still looks decent to share on the internet.
I believe the journal is more for the author to write, digging into feelings, thoughts and experiences than for others. Because I have an excellent forgetter, I have used them to venture back to certain events in an effort understand what I was feeling then. I had 5 year relationship end and wanted to read back over what I was experiencing when I met her. Found where I wrote that she needed to be a friend and a friend only. Hopefully that helps me to listen to my intuition more. And, of course, as you say, we are not the same person who wrote the words 10 years earlier.