Works of art are not born in flashes of inspiration but in a daily fidelity.
Albert Camus
Where I live each condo has one numbered parking spot. The numbers are painted on the pavement and are now quite faded. This time each year we have a major turnover of residents due to college students. I now find some of the new residents parking in my space and others. Rather than be angry or say anything, I have begun to park in open spaces which means I may need to walk an extra 20 or 30 feet. Could it be that I’m finally growing into a mature adult? Or maybe I’m becoming more childlike than childish?
Tom Dills
I’d say you have adopted a healthy ‘live and let live’ attitude. As long as you have a place to park and don’t mind a little walk, it is better to do that rather than take someone else’s spot and exacerbate the problem! They’ll eventually figure it out.
A little Mom & Pop motel we visit has a similar system, but no one really worries too much about the parking spots. A lot of their guests ride motorcycles and they share spaces, so there is always parking available…somewhere!
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Tom. Could be our world needs more ‘live and live.”
Faye White
I would be peeved for sure but I wouldn’t confront anyone because that will get your vehicle vandalized. Sad but true. For every civilized, considerate person, there are at least two who take what they want because they think they deserve it. It’s everywhere – on the roads, in the grocery store, schools, everywhere. But I won’t be that inconsiderate person. Nope.
Monte Stevens
I really don’t feel anger because I believe they don’t know. However, as you say, there are those who don’t care. Seems it is a part of our self-centered society we live in. Thank you for you thoughts and I hope you have a wonderful day!
Geri Oster
Thank you for helping me to find some humility, Monte. My “rightness” can really give me agita! I really appreciated everyone’s insights. Thank you all. Blessings.
Monte Stevens
You’re welcome, my friend! I have also appreciated everyone’s insights and their own experiences.
Geri Oster
By the way, lovely, tranquil photograph…just what I needed on a restless morning.
Monte Stevens
Thank you!