Nature supplied me with this scene along Weld County Road 13 this past weekend. We have had rain almost every day and the next two days are expected to be more of the same. My car was a mess as the roads were muddy but man, those fields are green.
I have a couple of questions for all my WordPress Gurus out there.
- I seem to have lost the capability to have the viewer click on the image to view a full size image. I’ve discovered I can set the image to link to the media file but this seems to give me two larger files. Any ideas?
- Second is my image caption. I cannot seem to change the image caption font color. At the present time it is almost the same color as my background. See the above image.
Beautiful scene, Monte. Don’t know if any of this will help but… 1) It appears you have two “lightbox” effects that are both loading the image. Does your WP theme have one built in and/or are you running a lightbox plugin as well? 2) If there are not any directed color settings for the image caption text in your theme settings then it might have to be set by custom CSS which is a little more complicated.
Monte Stevens
I deactivated a plugin called Simple LIghtbox and that solved that issue. Thank you.
Monte Stevens
And, I do not need anything more complicated in my life. -:)