Spent the day in Red Feather Lakes area yesterday. Helped a friend move some “stuff.” We stopped at the Potbelly Stove and ate on the way back into town. This was our view driving home about 3:00. It was a beautiful day. However, we now have a rain and snow mix that is to become 1-3 inches of snow. Such a change.
Tom Dills
Anyplace named “The Potbelly Stove” sounds like a place you’d just have to stop.
I just love the skies you get out there over the plains. Although it’s not the same imagining the ground covered in snow!
Monte Stevens
We had a deep fat fried paddock with coleslaw and fries. Yippers!
Cedric Canard
That is some view, all the more enjoyable after a good hearty meal I am sure
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Cedric!