We had a nice rain for the past 24 hours. Refreshing. I discovered this image on my way to the coffee shop this morning. It was shot in jpeg and loaded into an online photo editing tool called Polarr using a Chromebook. I did no editing but saved it as a jpeg file for the web. I’m just learning some of what it can do. It’s layout reminds me of Lightroom.
Beautiful! Great detail in the rain drops and gorgeous rich colors. Have a great day.
Monte Stevens
Thank you for the kind words. I visited your website and spent a pleasant time with your images and words. I will visit you on a regular basis not that I know about you. Enjoy!
Tom Dills
Chromebook, huh? You’re getting to be quite the techie!
Interesting app, may need to check it out.
Monte Stevens
Yes, a Chromebook. It’s really a 10″ tablet with an attached keyboard, 2 USB ports and a micro SD card slot. I’m liking it so far and writing up a post about what I think of it. I sure enjoy the small footprint. I’ll also say more about Polarr.