There was a lot of chatter going up there as these Canada Geese flew over me. Had to chuckle as I imagined what they are honking up about. Do you suppose they are just like we are when we get in our cars and head somewhere? Were some complaining the goose behind them was following too close? Were some wanting to fly faster or slower? Were some being backseat flyers? Were some wanting to land here or fly on farther? Were some trying to control the formation, shouting instructions to others because the formation is not what they wanted? Do I even want to know? Not really but I had fun with my imagination. Have a great week!
Tom Dills
Nah, they were probably talking about cameras and lenses.
Beautiful cloud formation as well as a whole buncha birds!
Monte Stevens
Thanks for stopping by, Tom. Maybe drones!
Beautiful scenery! I’ll bet the kids keep asking “Are we there yet?”
Monte Stevens
LOL Now, that’s one I hadn’t thought of, my friend! It is snowing this morning. The look of winter, no blue sky today.