Avian,  nature,  quotes

Reservoir of Life

As long as Earth remains an “it,” a “thing,” rather than a living vibrant reservoir of life, humans will continue to use and abuse her. We need a loving relationship with this generous, vulnerable planet in which we live. Only then will we allow her songs of rich abundance to dance in the rhythms of our lives, only then will we respond with reverent care and live with daily gratitude.

Joyce Rupp

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Faye White

    Greed will be the ruin of everything, but this fellow seems perfectly content in his little corner of the world.

  • Monte Stevens

    Selfishness and self-centered is at the root of greed and already has left much in ruins already. Yes, this goose seems okay with its life in its corner of the world. Have a wonderful day.