As I left for the bus stop the sky was putting on a show for me. It is a brisk 27 degrees right now. Have my mocha so life is good. Saw a young man riding one of those electric scooters this morning. All he had on was a pink t-shirt. He’s tougher than I am or I’m smarter!
Youth is a great insulator. Gorgeous sunrise!
Monte Stevens
LOL Well said, Faye!
A truly lovely gradient in that sky, Monte. Interestingly, your sunrise looks just like our sunsets

Back in the days when our winters were colder and morning temperatures were 43°F to 50°F (which is very cold by our standards), I would catch a bus to work on which I would often see a man, possibly in his late 20’s, wearing shorts and t-shirt with nothing on his feet. One time he sat next to me and I could feel the warmth coming off him. I asked him how it was that he wasn’t feeling the cold and his answer was: “It’s all in how you breathe man”. Didn’t get anymore out of him and I never did find this secret breathing technique. Though these days, as I sit in this 100°F heat, I’d settle for a technique that helped me cool down
Monte Stevens
That is an interesting story and makes me wonder about the breathing. I’ll have to look into that.
I’m going with the smarter option Monte.
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Mark! LOL
Tom Dills
The dude in the pink t shirt would have been quite the sight. Too bad you didn’t get a photo of that! Beautiful sunrise though, definitely a keeper. Oh, and I agree that you are the smarter one. Wiser, too.
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Tom. However, wisdom comes from experience.