In this respect fundamentalism has demonic traits. It destroys the humble honesty of the search for truth, it splits the conscience of its thoughtful adherents, and it makes them fanatical because they are forced to suppress elements of truth of which they are dimly aware.
Paul Tillich
I wish the church of my youth had encouraged me to seek my elements of truth rather than telling me what the truth was. Their truth has never been my truth.
This is a panorama from 8 images stitched together in LIghtroom of falling rain and storm clouds stretching across the city of Fort Collins. Enjoy your Saturday! It’s time for a Dove’s dark chocolate. And, yes, another image of clouds.
Faye White
Clouds are fabulous! If you got ’em, shoot ’em.
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Faye! I do plan on more cloud images. Have a wonderful week!