“But perhaps, rather than seeking to be loved, we should seek to be love.”
This past Sunday evening, because there wasn’t have much smoke in the air, I made a quick run out to Reservoir Ridge. Just as I pulled up the sun began dropping behind the mountains. I grabbed the camera and got in 6 images before the scene was gone. The wind changed Sunday night, coming from the north-northwest, causing the smoke to drift over the city and front range. We expect more of the same today with a light foggy look to everything.
Anyway, after taking the 6 images I did a walk to the bridge and back, about 3 miles. I had eaten a burrito earlier so I left my camera and journal behind and focused on the walk, jotting down what I experienced later. I’m noticing it is getting colder now that we’re in the first week of October. The humidity from the irrigated hay field next to the trail makes it even cooler for the first quarter mile. As I approached the pond I could hear the chorus of red winged blackbirds and yellow-headed blackbirds among the cattails. They sounded louder than usual and seemed like there were more of them. A sudden lull in their chorus caused me to stop walking, ears perked, but they quickly started up again. I then heard mallards calling out and watched as they made their landing approach onto the pond for the night. I watched milkweed follicles being released from their pods, floating across the open fields, clinging to leaves, cattails, rabbitbrush, natures velcro. Trees were showing their fall colors and releasing leaves for their fall descent. Even with cooler weather the mosquitoes buzzed around me but I don’t seem sweet enough to bite. When I returned to the car I couldn’t help but smile at the beauty I experienced in that short hour, even with the fires burning. Then a question crossed my mind from something I read this past week, does nature also seek “to be love” as Cedric suggests?
LoL, I feel rather privileged being quoted in such a manner considering the usual people you quote
That’s another great vista you captured Monte. I’ve been going for long walks myself lately; 10km loops but living in the suburbs, I don’t get any views like that and while I get to walk through a lot of bushland I am never too far from some busy road or highway so not quite the serenity you experience. But it’s nice to be out walking all the same.
Continue to enjoy the season Monte.
Monte Stevens
Yep, I rank you there near the top!
I am grateful for the open spaces I do have that lay at the foot of the mountains. In 15 minutes I can be in the mountains. Walking is good for all of us. I need to make it a higher priority. I will continue the season.