We all know the signs of the approaching fall season. We have football games now on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. We put the shorts back in the bottom draw of the dresser. Starbucks comes out with their Pumpkin Spice Latte. Stores are putting out Halloween candy and Christmas decorations. We have cooler nights. The days begin to shorten. Squadrons Canada Geese are heading south. Leaves begin to change colors and fall from their branches. Fall is approaching.
Steve Skinner
I always look forward to the first signs of fall!
Monte Stevens
I do too! Thanks, Steve!
Chris Klug
This image really leapt off the screen at me, Monte! Lovely.
Monte Stevens
It was one those evenings when the desire, or whatever you want to call it, to pickup my camera and walk around my condos. I put on my photographers hat, grabbed the closest camera and walked outside. This leaf was one of the first things to catch my eye.
Yep. And don’t forget Sam Adams Octoberfest beer.
Yes. I’m noticing the leaves turning color and falling already. Some trees around here don’t waste time!
Monte Stevens
I forgot about the beer fests as I no longer attend them but they are a sign. Time has a way of moving on!
Well, in this case, it’s just a type of beer that the offer once/year, seasonal.
I’ve never been to a beer fest and I’m not that big of a fan of beer, even, but I do like this one.
Monte Stevens
I have a few friends who would not miss such a festival. At 20 I would have been right in the midst of it all but now I would rather be on a quiet beach or river.
Yep, this time of year it seems like there is Pumpkin spice everything.
Just in time to satisfy the cravings, and goes away when we are sick of it. Seems just like some seasons.
Monte Stevens
I was just in Starbucks a couple days ago and they have a new drink, or at least new to me, called a Chocolate Chai Tea Latte. I had to try it.