My creative process begins when I get out with the camera and interact with the world. A camera is truly a license to explore. There are no uninteresting things. There are just uninterested people.
Jerry Uelsmann
The above quote is one reason I take my camera for walks. My last post was a sunset from my friend Kay’s back porch. As I watched the sun drop below the clouds and just above the mountains, I figured there could be a nice sunset so I grabbed my camera out of my backpack. Kay made some remark about having my camera. Yes, it is almost an appendage. Maybe I need to refer to the camera as a friend. Anyway!
We are expecting showers this afternoon and need the moisture. Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend.
Joseph Smith
I’m sure you meant “friend” in this but for me, “fiend” fits on more occasions than I can count.
Monte Stevens
LOL! Yes, I meant friend and made the edit to the post. Thanks!
Tom Dills
A camera can be both a friend and a fiend, at times! I think that in order to really “be” a photographer we need to always have our camera with us and be willing to use it. Any camera will do.
Monte Stevens
The scenes are given to us. I wonder, can we fully receive the gift of a photo unless we have the camera with us and press the shutter? Thanks, Tom.
Cedric Canard
Ah yes, the prepared photographer is more likely to notice a scene of beauty and such a scene is indeed a gift but camera or not, the gift is fully received just by being appreciated. Taking the photo just allows the appreciation to be longer lasting
Monte Stevens
So very true, my friend!