landscape,  quotes,  silence,  sunsets,  trees

Silence is the stuff of life…

I am constantly surrounded by noise: TV, texts, the internet, music, meaningless small talk, my thinking. All of it blocks my consciousness, my ability to hear the ME that exists beneath the cacophony. I am my consciousness, my awareness of my circumstance, my presence in every moment. So I cultivate silence every morning. I sit in it, bask in it, wrap it around myself, and hear and feel me. Then, wherever the day takes me, the people I meet are the beneficiaries of my having taken that time – they get the real me, not someone shaped and altered by the noise around me. Silence is the stuff of life.

Richard Wagamese, Embers: One Ojibway’s Meditations

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku/poetry. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • geri oster

    Monte, I am moved by all of your photographs and the quotes you share, and your own words of thoughts, insights, wonderings and wanderings. And these last few photographs have been especially stirring and beautiful to me. The depth and mystery of them are just stunning. Unlike Earl and many of your other friends here who clearly understand the particulars of the camera you use in each shot, I’m afraid that my photography knowledge is not at that level. Yet it is cool to follow your chats, I like learning from your conversations. What I do know is that “I LIKE”, and my Spirit, Soul, and Mind are all the better for my time spent here with all of you and this stunning creativity. Thank you and Blessings.

    • Monte Stevens

      It brings a smile to my face to know you are moved by these images and quotes. They also move me and why I want to share them. Any creative is going to be pleased to know their work can be stirring and beautiful to others. It was good to see you earlier today and that amazing smile you offer to the world!! I hope you had a good day!! Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. They are so appreciated.

  • Earl

    I always try to question my own perceptions. This constant ringing in my ears has taught me that our own hearing boundaries or limitations define silence. Most of the time, I no longer notice the ringing since it has become a consistent part of my environment, and my brain filters it out. This leads me to consider that this filtering ability can be developed for other sounds over time. A lack of noise within our hearing range may make it easier to meditate and reflect inward, but it shouldn’t be a true limitation. I envy the person who is that island in a sea of chaos. Hey, true silence is an illusion anyway, because the universe is always producing sound, even if we can’t hear it. Love the photo and I hope you’re having a good week. The weather here is really good, at the moment.

    • Monte Stevens

      This notion of silence will take on different meanings for different people. I know people who sit in quiet meditation every morning, but always listen to some background music: flute, piano, guitar or chants. While others want total external silence. My mind can also filter out the motor of the refrigerator, the furnace kicking on and off and the ticking of the kitchen clock. For me the loudest and most annoying noise can often be the constant chatter of my mind, which never ceases. I like how Wagamese talks about cultivating silence, internal and external, every morning as that has been part of my practice for several years. And what a wonderful gift it is to have you bring your experience here and share them in the comments. I see you as a teacher and mentor here. Keep coming back.

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