“You don’t choose your life; it chooses you. There’s no point in asking why life has reserved certain joys or griefs, you just accept them and carry on. We can’t choose our lives, but we can decide what to do with the joys and griefs we’re given.” — Paul Coelho
Cedric Canard
I like this Monte. It’s graphically imposing and for some reason it reminds me of René Magritte’s work though I’m not sure why as he was a surrealist painter. It may simply be the way you captured an ordinary object in an unusual context. Magritte tended to be good at doing just that.
Monte Stevens
I am impressed with the artists you know as well as their art. Thank you and glad you liked it. It speaks to me simplicity, a way I’d like to live me life.
Monte Stevens
Also, this was taken on campus so it was even more appealing to me because there are no bicycles on it.
Tom Dills
I love the graphic-ness of this photo, Monte. Very simple but lots to see the more you look. As Cedric said, an extraordinary view of an ordinary object.
Monte Stevens
Having a bicycle chained to it would have not been the same but still may have been a good image. Thanks, Tom.
Snow definitely defines the basics of shape and form. Your capture of this is well composed and pleasing to the eye! Hopefully, your next subject can be sunshine and blooming spring flowers.
Monte Stevens
And, warmer temperatures.