Six years ago today I bought my first Nikon D300, an upgrade from a D100. Fell in love with it and ended up purchasing a second one as a backup for the weddings and portraits I’ve taken. In the digital age thats a long time to keep a camera. Both cameras still take awesome images as long as the photographer plays his role. I checked them out and was surprised at the shutter count were as low as they are. They show 65,564 and 42,931 counts. Happy shooting!
I salivated over the D300 for quite a while before my wife slapped me across the nose with a rolled up newspaper and I stayed with my D80. Quite a camera then and still is!
Monte Stevens
Ouch! Well, the D80 is no slouch. I have been pleased with it. I think it’s in that prosumer category and fits all my needs.
Like John, I thought the D300 was beyond what I wanted to spend for my first DSLR and opted for the D80. I still use it and it produces beautiful files. I haven’t checked the number of exposures but I know it’s quite a bit. Probably no worth very much on the used market but I don’t think I could give it up anyway. Good luck with the D300s.
Monte Stevens
Well, I skipped over the D200 and was glad I did. I must confess I would probably have bought whatever upgrade Nikon had chosen for the D300 a couple years ago but they have never really made one for me.
That is ooooooolllllldddddd for a digital camera. BTW, I still have mine, too, bought about the same year. First photo in my library, of Hobbs, shows 1/25/2008! And it’s still working, though it has been repaired a couple of times. My first Nikon was a D2x. I went all the way to the top of the food chain, then the D300 was next. It was a lot cheaper and technology had improved considerably!
Monte Stevens
I still have one of my D100s which is at least 10 years old. Our culture has programmed us to think everything will need to be replaced and in a time frame they choose.