I’m impressed with the artistic ability of people and where we can find it. I found this mural behind a restaurant/bar. I’ve walked by it a hundred times but for some reason I saw it differently on this particular day.
My online journal where I share my interests in photography, nature, coffee life, journaling, fountain pens, bicycling, spirituality and asking deep questions.
Tom Dills
My first thought was that I had seen that wall. But I figured if I had, I would also have a photo of it! Great colors! And yes, amazing talent.
Monte Stevens
It is only a couple blocks from the Armstrong Hotel. I’ve walked by it several times.
And, yes you wouldo probably have a photo if’in ya had seen it.
Tom Dills
As it turns out, I do!
Cedric Canard
Haha, this is great that you both took the same shot (at different times)
I have no doubt that was I to walk past something like this, I too would have snapped off a frame. I like the way the artist incorporated the boxes and pipes. Very cool.
Monte Stevens
Yes, I could see you having this scene on your hard drive, Cedric. I also liked how th he artist used the building as part of the scene.