Putting things off is the biggest waste of life: it snatches away each day as it comes, and denies us the present by promising the future. The greatest obstacle to living is expectancy, which hangs upon tomorrow and loses today.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
For years I lived in sloth, almost a depressive place. A turn around took place about 20 years ago. I now can find the motivation to crawl out of bed before sunrise to drive out and greet today’s sunrise. If I put it off then I cannot expect an image of yesterday’s sunrise today. Can’t say I have the same motivation about cleaning the bathroom but its improved.
Oh yes, it’s so easy to say ‘I’ll do it tomorrow’. Funny how we assume there will be a tomorrow. Well, if I die with a home that needs vacuuming, I’m okay with that. Missing a photo op is a sin, though.
Monte Stevens
You’re so right, our assumptions about tomorrow are not reality because there is no guarantee of our presence in tomorrow. I’m thinking missing a photo op is a mortal sin. Thank you for the laugh! Have a great Friday!
Tom Dills
Cleaning is way down the list of priorities. Unlike today’s sunrise, which will not repeat, the bathroom will need cleaned again. Some things can be postponed, but living cannot.
Monte Stevens
Cleaning is low on my list. You can see that in my photography when spots appear in images. 😂 And, you are right the bathroom will be there tomorrow but possibly dirtier.
Glad to see cleaning is low on others’ priorities. But I am certainly guilty of sloth more times than I care to admit – even to myself.
Monte Stevens
It seems all of us are infected with sloth to some level. I’m wanting to adjust that level. 😂