This past week they were giving away snow shovels on campus. No way were you going to misplace his shovel because they were bright orange shovels. I did not ask why but watched students carrying them around campus and on the buses. Anyway, it came at the best time as snow is predicted to arrive tonight and into tomorrow. So, in anticipation of the cold and snow I put on a crock pot of vegetable soup. Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend and praying you have a great week.
Tom Dills
It looks like you found those shovels at just the right time, Monte. I really like how they’re all lined up and waiting…I’ll bet they didn’t stay that neat for long! Cloudy and low 80’s here today, watching another tropical storm pass us by. The trees here are turning yellow and brown from dryness, as it really hasn’t been cold enough yet to start the fall change. We’re heading to the mountains this coming weekend and hoping to see some actual fall colors.
Monte Stevens
My sister and brother-in-law have been in western part of Alabama for the past few days. All they got was a small amount of rain and some wind. Hope you two enjoy the mountains!
I recognized those things from long ago. We are still blasting away in the high 80s, unfortunately. We did have a few mornings in the 50s, but those seem to have been but a memory!
Good luck. You probably should have had some snow by now, my friend!
Monte Stevens
Well, we did not get as much snow as expected but the mountains did. It was impressive when the skies cleared and we could see the snow covered mountains.
And, the soup was just what I needed.