I took this image last Saturday morning at Mugs @ the Oval. It was 12 degrees so the sun really felt good as this man soaks up the warm sun. The coffee shop owners did some remodeling, making it convenient for local artists to share their work and IMHO made it more open and roomier near the coffee bar.
It looks like this man has found a really good spot to make the best of a cold morning while observing the “goings on” outside. I like the composure of this image, Monte, featuring the shop wall, keeping the man in the left third. There also a nice warm orange warm tones balance between that chair back on the lower right and the overhead lights, upper left. It has a pleasing “feel” and lends itself to the telling of a story.
Monte Stevens
Hes a regular and just about the same place each morning. Like me, he lives nearby. I liked the scene as soon as I saw it. Surprisingly I took two shots without looking because I did not want to disturb the feeling. Thanks, Earl.
Haha..than I think I should try shooting without looking. ~wink~
Tom Dills
He may be on to something, Earl!
Monte Stevens
The blind photographer.
Tom Dills
Take the sunshine when and where you can get it! As Earl said, this photo really captures the feel of the early morning in the coffee shop. From this view it looks mostly empty, but the guy seems to have the best seat in the house.. The framing of him facing out the left side of the frame underscores the feeling of being inside looking out. A good thing on a 12 degree day!
Someone needs to put a level to that artwork!
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Tom! Its a scene that was given me. It was taken early and on a Saturday morning so not many customers at the time.
Those framed paintings are hung from chains so you can pretty much expect that.