I ventured into a new coffee shop, well it’s one I’ve never been to before. From the outside it had the look of being expensive and it is. I paid almost a dollar more for the same coffee fix than at my other java shops. However, I must say the mocha latte was excellent. The decor and ambiance were wonderful and music did not blast me out. So I will return but probably not as a regular.
What I wanted to share with you was the coffee mugs they used. They market them as a designer reusable coffee cup made for cafes, home users & on-the-go coffee drinkers. The website says they are made from a unique eco-composite polymer and features coffee bean husks, which is a thin layer that surrounds the coffee seed or bean. The primary polymer they use is a plastic called Polypropylene. I was impressed with how it looks, feels in my hand and it’s as light as feather. They are called HuskeeCup. Not going to buy one but…
They remind me of cupcake cups for baking.
Monte Stevens
Yes, it does. The raised ridges are for keeping your hands cool and for keeping the drink hot. It’s actually quite comfortable to hold.
Tom Dills
For an excellent mocha latte and nice ambience, I’d probably be willing to pay the extra dollar. Especially if it keeps away the gang from last week’s encounter!
Those cups look very nice. We’ve been hooked on Hydro Flask cups and mugs lately, but the HuskeeCups appear quite elegant.
Monte Stevens
Yes, I agree. Just cain’t do it on regular basis. I think they are a neat cup, in looks and their practicality. If you are ever back in Fort Collins, you and Kathy will need to stop in. They are just across the street from the Armstrong Hotel.
Tom Dills
Nice! Looks like it is right next door to the Urban Egg, which we like for breakfast.
Monte Stevens
A block south.
Tom Dills
Got it!
It’s a very attractive cup. I would agree that a peaceful experience would be worth a dollar.
Monte Stevens
When you get out here, we’ll have to meet there for a latte or whatever suits your fancy. You’ll get to try one of their cups.
I am surprised you found a shop you HAVEN’T been to!
The ridges are an interesting design choice. Reducing waste wherever possible these days is a great business strategy.
Monte Stevens
LOL It’s been here for a while, I just had not stopped in and blessed them with my presence and money. Their website claims the fins offer exceptional insulation. I know the feel is great and the looks trigger something within me. If you follow the link in my post it shows their operations as they are a roaster as well as a coffee shop. Hope I made you laugh or smile because I hadn’t been there before.
Huh. Normally I think of fins for heat dissipation – like heat sinks are used over computer chips to keep them cool because it increases the surface area the air can flow around. I am wondering if they got that part of thermal engineering backward.
Monte Stevens
Not so sure how much false marketing is used in selling these mugs/cups. I can see where the thermal conduction of the polypropylene is different than the metal. For sure I am not a thermal engineer so much of this is outside my knowledge. For me the cup looks kool and feels good in my hands.
Tom Dills
I think Mark is overthinking the fins – they’re more form, not so much function
! Think of them as an elegant substitute for the cardboard ring you get around a paper cup. Much more aesthetically pleasing – and it lets them charge 20 bucks!