Ultimately, the product that any writer has to sell is not the subject being written about, but who he or she is.
William Zinsser
I added this Pilot Custom 823 pen to my stable of pens a week ago. It is larger pen than my Pelikan M200 and M205 pens or the Pilot Custom Heritage 92 or Custom 74 pens, especially the nib. It is also a vacuum filler and holds more ink. It is also more expensive!! So, I imagine this will be the only one I ever own. I do like the transparent smoke color and gold trim. Since I enjoy using brown inks it suits my writing style. My sister has one and considers it her favorite. Not sure if its my favorite, yet, but the writing experience is wonderful. I’ve found that when I enjoy a fine pen, or a favorite, I will pick it up more often. It has been windy all day. We had cloudy skies with a rain/mix early this morning. It’s about 1:47 pm, is partly cloudy and the cold wind still blows. Stay warm and hold on to your hat.
It’s a nice-looking pen. Do you like brown inks because of the softer contrast to the paper color?
Monte Stevens
Yes, I do like the softer contrast and even have a variety of browns with different shading, dark to light. I also like the brown because my journals have a light cream color to them so the browns all match well. Another reason I enjoy my journals is the looks of inks on the pages.
Mary Cook
Thank you. I love your pics, writings and thoughts. Thank you Monty blessings
Monte Stevens
Thanks, again for stopping by, MJ.
I think you have the beginnings of a beautiful collection of fine pens by now, Monte. I respect the creativity and dedication you demonstrate with your journalling. I do not doubt it’s a successful way to explore and learn more about oneself, but I’m sure I don’t have what it takes for that journey. I admire that you do!
Do pens wear out? I imagine they eventually could.
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Earl but I have nothing compared to some people. I am dedicated to the creativity they inspire in me to write. I have found the words that show up on pages are enlightening me in who I am not and who I am becoming. From my writing I am learning that I must not believe some thinking that says I can’t. Too often my can’t has been my fears of both success and failure at whatever I tell myself I can’t. I have a lot of can’t still to overcome.
A well made quality pen will last a lifetime if taken care of. This pen will outlast me!!!