Sometimes you hear a voice
through the door calling you.
as fish out of water
hear the waves,
or a hunting falcon
hears the drums
Come back. Come back.
This turning toward
what you deeply love saves you.
Read the book of your life,
which has been given you.
A voice comes to your soul saying,
Lift your foot. Cross over.
Move into emptiness
of question and answer and question.
Bonnie Moore
Monte, you have a talent for picking just the right passage to frame your photos. I’m a big Rumi fan and a bigger Monte fan. I confess to starting my day in happy anticipation of Monte’s Blog and you never disappoint! Earl suggested it’s time for me to tell you and not just him, how much I appreciate you!
Monte Stevens
Thank you, Bonnie, and very glad you took the time to leave your comments. I love it. I’m also aware that you do read my posts so this is an even bigger pleasure for me.
However, you totally inflated my ego with your kind and flattering words but I’ve been working on keeping my ego right-sized for quite a few years.
Both The Essential Rumi and The Soul of Rumi by Coleman Barks have been seeds for me over the past several years. I have also become a fan of Hafiz. Rumi and Hafiz do not write on theology but speak about our love relationship with the Divine.
Please feel free to leave comments any time. Would love your input.
Great poem, reminds me I perhaps shouldn’t embarrass myself.
Very peaceful, meditative image to accompany it.