On my walk across campus this morning for a mocha latte I noticed these crocus making their spring appearances. It is overcast with a cold breeze that penetrates. As things begin to relax more people are out and about without masks but they are still required on the busses. I’m a minority because I still wear mine. Have a wonderful Friday and April Fools to you.
Beautiful Spring color!
Monte Stevens
Perfect way to begin the day! Brought a smile to my face and a couple of grunts as I stood back up after kneeling.
I love seeing all the beautiful and colorful sping flowers, even if it’s through the watery eyes and running noise of allergies. I’m so well aware of those grunts when arising from a kneeling position.
Have a great weekend!
Monte Stevens
I went last night for some sunset photos and began sneezing while standing there. I relate to the allergies also.