Welcome to springtime in Colorado as we awoke to another dusting of snow. I cleaned off about 2 inches from my car, heavy and wet stuff. Perfect snow for snowball fights or making a snowman. I find these snowfalls to be a beautiful experience. I watched big moisture laden snowflakes quietly drift through the air, doing what snowflakes are meant to do. Love the silence they bring!
The roads were clear so I could meet Eric for coffee in Windsor. When I came back into town I stopped at the CSU Experimental gardens, knowing I could find a couple of photo opportunities. All the tulips were closed and snuggled in a blanket of snow. Since it’s just above freezing these tulips will most likely survive to show us more of their beauty in a day or so. Will meet friends later for dinner. Enjoy your Saturday!
Faye White
Oh no, not the tulips. A beautiful, yet forlorn, image.
Monte Stevens
My understanding is that tulips do well in early spring when it’s 25-55 degrees. I will let you know in a couple of days. Hope you are doing well!!
A great photo Monte. I can imagine one of those tulips saying with an “I told you so” attitude …. ” I told you it was too early to bloom!!”
Monte Stevens
LOL You made me laugh, Mark. I never thought of their conversation between themselves but I love the dialogue you came up with. Thanks, Mark!!!
My reaction is a grin and a chuckle while shaking my head.
Monte Stevens
We live in a world that seems to always give us something to grin and chuckle about. Seems we need to grin, chuckle and even laugh a whole lot more. This world would look and feel much different. I also shake my head sometimes.
geri oster
Dandy image, Monte! I saw my first daffodils here yesterday!
Monte Stevens
Glad you were given the gift of a spring daffodil yesterday. This morning on my walk across campus I saw all the daffodils and tulips showing off their beauty after our snowstorm. Thank, Geri!