This was taken on a walk near my hotel in Albuquerque, New Mexico. It’s sort of a strange perspective as I was trying to crop out a banner tied to the bottom of the windmill and stay out of traffic. I do like the starburst effect the Fujifilm 18-55mm f2.8-4.0 lens. It is a sweet lens for me.
Tom Dills
Looks good to me, Monte. Looks like that lens is giving you what you need.
Always a good idea to stay out of the traffic!

Monte Stevens
I took four images of this windmill with this being the one with the smallest starburst and the one I preferred. In order to get the starburst I needed to stand right on the curb and it was a busy street. The thought ran through my head. What sort of nut would stand there like that to take a photo. I knew they would not understand.:-)
Nice shot, Monte. Glad you didn’t lose your balance!
Monte Stevens
I could hear the cars go by as I stood along the curb, not really in the street.