“Stepping into silence feels like I’m getting back to myself. Because from it I can find answers to life’s problems, creative ideas, and deep understanding.” Chelsey Brooks, The Pathfinder
Feeling restless yesterday evening, I drove out to one of the natural areas for a short 2.5 mile walk. I was greeted with a silence and a peacefulness I was not aware I so deeply needed. The sky had a different look and feel all afternoon because of the smoke from the Cameron Peak fire. It was eerie. I don’t expect today to be any different as this morning the eastern sun glows red, the smell of smoke fills my nostrils and I can watch the soot and ashes falling like snow.
Was not alone on my walk yesterday, I saw a few birds but they were not singing, silently darting in the smoke filled air. A lone mallard with reedy quacks called out from the pond. Everything was still, no wind, not a blade of grass moved. At that moment I realized I go to these sanctuaries because I can step into a place of silence. A silence that’s connected to nature, freeing me from the restlessness I felt earlier and getting back to myself. Unaware, I was listening to the voice whispering from within.
Tom Dills
Wow, that is an eerily beautiful photograph, Monte. Meanwhile, we had 40-50 mph winds and a dust storm in the area, and how have National Guard personnel coming into our hotel here in Pullman, WA getting ready to set up a testing facility for Washington State University students. Like a lot of schools their cases spiked when they started back to school and the university health system was quickly overwhelmed. Weird times these are, for sure. Seek out that quiet where and when you can find it!
Monte Stevens
Yes, weird times it is. My quiet today will be here at home. Just finished a bowl of hot Irish Oats and now sipping on a French Press of Heaven’s Blend coffee. Hang on to your hat!!
Cedric Canard
Tom is right, that is an eerily beautiful photograph Monte. Nice to see that you are enjoying and appreciating your moments of silence. Irish oats and French press coffee sound nice too, though for me, it will be iced long blacks for the foreseeable future
Monte Stevens
Yes, we move into winter, it’s snowing as we speak, and you will be heading to the beach with iced drinks. Hoping the snow helps quell this fire.
What a great photograph Monte! Your remarks of silence fit right into this as I can just imagine being out there seeing this expansive landscape, and the slightly haunting feel of the fire in distance. For as terrible as all these fires are, they sure do enable some unique photographs. I must admit though, sometimes I wish my own inner voice would take a breather from chattering sometimes.
Monte Stevens
I’ve darkened the image and adjusted the contrast but it’s still eerie look and feel. I’ve experienced other moments when silence just overwhelms me and I just stop. I’m sure you’ve experienced that silence, also. As for the chatter of the inner voice, well I feel I’m able to the releasing of the voices that separate me from the moment quicker. Probably never be free of it. Sigh! Thanks, Mark.