It’s still cold here as can bee seen in the above image. Most ponds and slow moving streams are still thick with ice. However we are predicted to have three days of temperatures in the high 40’s with clouds. I needed to have my emissions tested yesterday so I stopped at the Riverbend ponds because of the look those clouds were giving me.
It certainly looks cold in this photo but I’m sure you’ll welcome those warmer 40° temps. The last few days have been a bit colder here with artic air reaching all the way down the east coast to Miami. I understand it was in the low 40’s there last night…locals were probably freezing to death. It’s all about what you get use to, isn’t it?
Monte Stevens
Yes. My parents, who retired 20 years ago to Phoenix, grab jackets when it gets into the low 60s. And, you’ll find the furnace running.