If we listen from the mind of silence, every birdsong and every whispering of the pine branches in the wind will speak to us.
Thich Nhat Hanh
I had an enjoyable bicycle ride to coffee but had to face a stiff wind on the way home as a cold front moves in. Snow expected later today and into the night with frigid temperatures over the next few day. Looks very similar to the whole nations forecast. Stay warm, stock the fire and enjoy the weekend. And, make sure your stocked with chocolate!
And today is special because my dad is celebrating his 96th birthday!! I love you!
Wow, 96, that’s remarkable! Best Birthday wishes to your father. I don’t think we’ll get anything but cold temperatures. There’s only a slight chance of any frozen precipitation. I love this photo with the wonderful sunset light behind those trees…and the clouds. Have a great weekend, my friend, and make that chocolate last!
Monte Stevens
I will profile that chocolate. Started snowing a couple hours ago. Probably have about a inch on the ground now. We shouldn’t see too much accumulation. I jokingly sent a text message to my dad telling him I would send him some snow. He responded by saying it would probably melt by the time it got to Phoenix, so forget it.
Stay warm!
Tom Dills
Happy Birthday, Dad! What a milestone.
We’re a little short on chocolate at the moment, but it looks like the next few days might be a good time to stock up. Brrrrrr!
Monte Stevens
We awoke to about 3 inches of snow and 13 degrees. Our high is expected to only be 19 degrees. No bicycling or picnic today. Probably a day for soup, reading and journaling. Stay warm!
Congrats on your dad hitting that magical number!
Monte Stevens
Thanks! He had a good day!!!
That’s awesome. Belated wishes to your dad.
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Mark!