clouds,  landscape,  quotes,  silence,  sunsets

Stocked with chocolate…

Colorado sunset – March 2020

If we listen from the mind of silence, every birdsong and every whispering of the pine branches in the wind will speak to us.

Thich Nhat Hanh

I had an enjoyable bicycle ride to coffee but had to face a stiff wind on the way home as a cold front moves in. Snow expected later today and into the night with frigid temperatures over the next few day. Looks very similar to the whole nations forecast. Stay warm, stock the fire and enjoy the weekend. And, make sure your stocked with chocolate!

And today is special because my dad is celebrating his 96th birthday!! I love you! ❤️

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku/poetry. Have a love for fountain pens.