I headed out east yesterday to follow some of the storm clouds as they moved across the eastern plains. They even stirred up a few tornados. Even had a funnel cloud spotted near DIA. All together I drove about a hundred miles, took a few images and picked up a speeding ticket that’s gonna cost me $145. It was almost a perfect day.
Ouch on the speeding ticket… however I got one too last week and with protest, they reduced it to a “parking violation” which I thought was nice… until they sent notice that the fine was $150!!
At least that does not show up on my driving record.
I love the clouds in the picture against the great blue sky.
Monte Stevens
I got 2 points on the ticket but I was guilty. Had my mind on other things after I turned off the main highway. I am so taken with clouds but there has to be some way of portraying them differently. I’m not sure what but I need to come up with a new perspective or something. Everyone has images such as this one. More practice and maybe more open to my muse.
Tom Dills
Ouch! That kinda puts a damper on the fun, doesn’t it? I really like the look of this, it really gives a sense of the open spaces of the plains. Maybe you could sell a few copies of this as a print to pay your “travel expenses.”
Monte Stevens
I was not nice to the officer after he told me how much the fine was. I was angry with myself for not paying attention and for being guilty. Open spaces is what I find out here. In this image we are looking towards the Pawneee National Grasslands which I’ve shown images of in the past. It is about 190,000 acres of untilled soils and not much of that left anymore. Sadly for me they are now drilling wells on the land but it is primarily grazed with cattle. You can feel so alone out there.
Sorry about the ticket Monte. That’s pretty steep – I got my first on ever back in January in a construction zone in Denver but it was only $80, and that’s doubled.
Love the image – looks like it would make a nice monochrome conversion.
Monte Stevens
Never thought about converting it to black and white but will to try it. Any ticket it too much.
Monte, If you were going to get a speeding ticket, at least you got a good photo out of the trip.
That silo on the right really “anchors” the photo…nice!
Monte Stevens
The silo was as much a draw as the clouds for me. I sure am drawn to these wide open scenes.
David Leland Hyde (@
The ticket is a bummer, and $145 is bad enough, but it seems a lot higher in California. They charged me $345 for 10 miles over. Crazy. The clouds sound interesting. Another nice one here of the plains.
Monte Stevens
Ouch! That had to hurt. I enjoy the plains as if something calls me there. Or, it could be the need to get away from the city bustle.
David Leland Hyde (@
It’s a revenue builder, another way of taxing us. Who knows where all the money goes though…?
Just remember when you sell the photo to add the cost of the ticket to the price, my friend!
Monte Stevens
That I had not thought about and will do.
Everytime I have driven through a plains area I find it pretty easy to get caught up in my own thinking and can very easily forget about the speed limit. Maybe fight the ticket and bring a print of this image to court?
Monte Stevens
Thought about fighting the ticket or at least reducing it’s cost but I was guilty and do not want to go through the hassle of court. I will say they have a neat speed trap setup there. It is a money maker for this small town. You know there are times when I wander all over the road looking at this or that where a policeman could think I’d been into your scotch.