They are painting my condo, so I’m spending more time away, out of their way. Don’t want to accidentally find a paint brush in my hand. Classes are back in session so students are all over the place. Not sure if I’m getting more critical in my mature years or if the freshmen girls shorts are getting short. The correct answer is probably both! Have to ask if he’s watching something associated with a class or a movie he started last night? Anyway he’s relaxed.
Cedric Canard
If he is studying Film & Television like my daughter then he could be doing both. Or at least that’s what my daughter would say 😉
Monte Stevens
LOL!! We’ll believe your daughter!
Tom Dills
I’d be willing to bet that there isn’t a whole lot of studying going on there. Research, perhaps?
Freshman girls’ short shorts are just one example of when we need to embrace our role of quiet observer. 😉
Monte Stevens
And, be discerning in our photo selection.