Prospect Ponds are one of the nature areas co-managed by Fort Collins Utilities and the Natural Areas Department for flood control, water quality improvement and wildlife habitat. For those with a fishing license you will find large-mouth bass, crappie, and channel catfish to add to your stringer. The Poudre Nature Trails follow along the western edge of the ponds and in fact that is where I am standing. It’s located on east Prospect Road and Sharp Point Drive along side of the business park. I dragged my butt out of bed at 4:30 am, made a french press then drove the three miles out there and setup my tripod. There were 4 pelicans floating on the south end of the ponds which I left alone. I watched a heron fly in on the far side of the pond, land in one of a trees then a few minutes later move into the waters edge for breakfast.
Tom Dills
Sounds like the perfect morning to me, and what a reward for getting out there!
Monte Stevens
Loved it. Needed it for the spirit inside of me.
What a lovely way to start the day, Monte! As Tom said, you received a nice reward for your efforts … and so did we, with little effort at all!
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Paul! And, this morning we awoke to overcast skies and a 30% chance of rain. Have a great day!
Moments like this make the loss of sleep worthwhile for sure!
Monte Stevens
Yes, they do. I’m also at the age of going back to nap times.