dancing sunlight through a window
unpredictable, playfull, offering delight
suddenly emerging, spreading its gift
the eyes see, the heart recognizes
a silent miracle of the familiar1Inspired by a John O’Donohue Poem
My online journal where I share my interests in photography, nature, coffee life, journaling, fountain pens, bicycling, spirituality and asking deep questions.
It is fascinating how shadows willingly lend themselves to creative and artistic interpretation. For instance, the shadows in the above photo make the books on the shelf almost look like loop binders, which could be a whole other story. Shadows can evoke emotions and add a sense of mystery to a piece or provide a reference and structure for objects perhaps unseen or not in the frame in photos. They are powerful but serve the light, for without light, they cease to have structure. As your poetic words describe, Monte, something deeper is often hidden in the shadows! 😉
Have a great day!
Monte Stevens
I have a lrge number of images with the tag “shadows” and that is only for those images I’ve kept. I like how you suggest they lend themselves to creative and artistic interpretation. I agree! Shadows evoke something within me and are so easy for me to spot. And, I find it fascinating to see within myself that there is something deeper hidden in my shadows, the dark places. I’m learning to shine light on my shadows. Thank you, my friend!!!! Always eager to read what input you have to share.
geri oster
Lovely, Monte. And Earl, thank you…thought provoking and an invitation to linger in the shadows.
Monte Stevens
Thanks again, Geri! And yes our friend, Earl, can sometimes put it in just the right words. I enjoy having his comments. Also thought provoking at times.