I saw a weather report last night that showed the impact level of the storm over the last three days. The levels ranged from little/none, limited, elevated, significant, extreme and dig out. We are now in the dig out stage but probably later this afternoon. This is my car this morning at 7:40. I tried to clear some of the snow off but it’s solid because of its moisture content and last night’s temperatures were in the teens. No way will I be able to get out of the parking lot even if I get the car cleaned off.. Watched my neighbor with a lifted up 4-wheel drive pickup truck struggle to get out. Then the young lady with a Subaru Forester like mine needed pushed and dug out. I will let nature clean my car off and the contractors to plow the parking lot. I measured again this morning and I still see 16 inches. But the sun’s out.
From the photo, it looks like it was drifting so your measured 16 inches might be conservative. Yelp, time will free you!
Take care.
Monte Stevens
I could not believe how heavy the snow is. There were layers where it was solid snow/ice then layers of powdery snow. I’m not snowblowers would have done well with this snowfall. Yelp, time! Gonna have a bowl of vegetable soup this afternoon then top it off with a Dove’s chocolate. I know how to live!!!
Tom Dills
Ah, just a dusting! Yikes that’s a lot of snow. Hopefully it won’t take too long to melt, but it sure looks like you won’t be driving anywhere for a while.
It always amuses me that some people seem to feel the need to be among the first out, as though there was a prize or something. Maybe one or both of them is a doctor or a nurse or something essential, but more than likely they just needed something they “forgot” at the store.
Monte Stevens
Yes, really glad it didn’t snow “that” much. It is now listed as the 4th biggest snowfall in Colorado’s history. Things are already beginning to melt but then will freeze through the night (16 degrees), making roads and sidewalks a hazard. Without sunshine it will take longer to melt. And, that helps reduce flooding, mudslides and rockslides in the areas where we had the fires. Now enjoying my vegetable soup!!
Soup with a chocolate chaser – survival at its best. We dropped down to 55° today but I imagine even 55 would help with the thaw/melt. I hope you have enough chocolate to last.
Monte Stevens
Yes, we’ve had some melt, lots of water in the parking lot, which will freeze tonight. Yes, the soup was just the fix I needed and I will celebrate with popcorn later on this evening. Lots of butter!!