We had a gorgeous day yesterday. Clear blue skies, sunshine but still cold. I loved the soft colors of last night’s sunset on County Road 15.
My online journal where I share my interests in photography, nature, coffee life, journaling, fountain pens, bicycling, spirituality and asking deep questions.
Tom Dills
Even with the warm color in the sky, it still looks cold! It’s been gray and gloomy here but supposed to be sunny tomorrow and over the weekend – a long one for us bank folks. Received my FedEx package from LensRentals today and am looking forward to playing with the Fuji. Going to spend some time with Paul on Saturday, so we may have a few shots to share. TGIF!
Monte Stevens
I’ll be interested in knowing what you think about the X-T1. I think they have a good sensor and do a ni5job with their JPEG files. It’s ergonomics will also be intesting to hear about. Stay warm.
Steve Skinner
Beautiful colors!
Monte Stevens
Yes, the colors were what stopped the car and caused me take a couple shots.