Here’s an update on the surgery I had back on June 27th. The surgery went well, no problems. I now have 80% less of my prostate. On the post operative side though, I was not expecting the amount of pain from the surgery. Needless to say Monday and Tuesday were not comfortable times for me. Lots of discomfort from the CO2 pumped into my body during surgery. Then on Tuesday evening I began running a fever. For the next 24 hours doctors and nurses pumped me with antibiotics and probed and poked to find out what was happening. On Wednesday night I broke the fever and was quickly on the recovery side again. They discharged me late Thursday evening and I was a happy to be back home. Experiences like this remind us of what sleeping in your own bed is like.
It seems like naps are an everyday agenda until I regain my strength. I’m taking short walks each day and doing all I can around the house. I haven’t done much with the camera but have decided to start hanging it around my neck. As I do so there is some form of healing taking place with I compose and press the shutter button.
The catheter finally came out on July 5th. such a relief to have that gone. I had been wearing one since June 5th, four weeks. If anyone’s ever had to wear one then you know what I’m talking about. At this stage I’m trying to listen to my body and all that is its telling me. It has not functioned as designed for many years and will have to readjust.
My sister, Sheree, was a God send. Not sure I will ever be able to thank her. She took me in for surgery then took me home. She arrived early each morning and went home around 9:00 or 9:30 each evening. Even after bringing me home she filled prescriptions for me and picked up a few groceries. I’m grateful for all she did and all she is!
A friend of mine had these balloons waiting for me in my room and just loved the bandaged whale. One is for the recovery and the other was because the surgery was on my birthday. Not how I wanted to spend my birthday but it could be one of the best gifts for me. Thanks for any prayers and thoughts sent my way!
Sounds like you have had a rough time this past 2 weeks Monte, but hopefully the worst is now in the past. Glad to read you are home and on the road to recovery. I’m sure that shutter finger needs some exercise as well.
Monte Stevens
Yes, I’m pressing the shutter again. Feels good!
Steve Skinner
Monte, it’s good to hear that you are mending!
Monte Stevens
I like that word, mending. I moved to pick up something this morning and really felt a pull at one my incisions. Hurt!
Mary Ann
Hey there, you get to feeling better. Rest, rest, rest, a few pictures and more rest.
Take care. Mary Ann
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Mary Ann. Still want to just take off and go so must keep in mind I’m healing.
Bill Stothers
Happy to hear you are feeling better, Monte. Looking forward to seeing more results from exercising that shutter finger.
Monte Stevens
Me too!
Tom Dills
So now you have a great excuse for those afternoon naps! Glad to hear things are progressing, and there’s nothing like a big blue whale balloon to lift your spirits. Looking forward to seeing more photos and posts as you venture out and about!
Monte Stevens
I’m looking forward also. Trying to live each day as it comes.
It’s great to see you back and to hear that you’re well on the way to recovery, Monte! Hopefully, before long it will all be seldom thought of memories as you get back up to full speed. Take care and enjoy those naps!
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Brooks! Yes, the pain and discomfort are already fading in my memory. I’m looking forward to seeing more recovery.
Cedric Canard
This is good news Monte. So glad to hear that you are on your way to recovery. Keep that camera close by, I’ve no doubt it will provide great benefits.
Monte Stevens
It’s almost attached to me. Sometimes I wonder if it possess me.
Fantastic news, my friend. I’m glad to hear that you’re recovering nicely. As for walking around with a camera already, well, you’re trooper! Dang!
I can certainly agree with you about missing one’s own bed. I certainly missed mine when I was in the hospital … I was very glad to be back home!
Finally, as for naps. No excuses needed!
Monte Stevens
I’m finding it interesting how well our bodies cope with injuries and begin the healing process. They are miracles in themselves.