“Faith is taking the first step even when we don’t see the whole staircase.” Martin Luther King, Jr.
Sometimes we must take the stairs to reach our goals. I’ve discovered hesitation can delay reaching our goals or even sidetrack us from reaching them. Anyway, as Willie Nelson’s song goes, “I’m in the air again.” Starting on a 4-day trip today with Audrey. So, stay close to your phone in case we need to call for bail money.
Tom Dills
Those steps look like a few I’ve seen around here lately, Monte. More than just a little slick.
I hope you are able to complete this trip without the need for bail money!
Monte Stevens
Yep, no bail money was needed. I think the older we get the less risks we take or the smarter we are in which risks to take.
Just give me a call if you need bail money and I’ll see what I can do.
Monte Stevens
Everything is cool, Paul. But thanks for the fine offer.