Perfect does not mean perfect actions in a perfect world, but appropriate actions in an imperfect one.
R.H. Blyth
Two years ago today my mother died in her sleep after a couple weeks in hospice. So, of course I’m thinking about her today, as are my sisters and dad. There are moments of sadness but there are those good memories mixed in. I must say I am grateful for the foundation she laid for the person I have become, although I’m far from being perfect. Hopefully I live with appropriate actions and words, seeds she planted. Thanks mom!! I miss you!!
Tom Dills
Both of my parents have been gone over 30 (nearly 40 – sheesh!) years, and I still have imaginary conversations with them. We didn’t always see eye to eye but I am well aware that who I am today is a result of those relationships. Good to have good memories!
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Tom.
Bonnie Moore
WOW – Can’t believe it’s already been two years. It goes by quickly, doesn’t it? My Mom’s been gone for a long time now but she and I still have conversations and I’m convinced when I smell cigarette smoke in our home late at night that she’s “visiting” since neither of us smoke. Relish those memories, Monte.
Monte Stevens
Thank you, Bonnie, for sharing your story of your mom. I enjoy hearing of those experiences where deceased family and friends make periodic visits to let us know they are still present in some mysterious way. Hope you are well, and again, thank you for leaving a comment.
Faye White
The years go by so quickly. My mom has been gone ten years now. I can’t believe it. I still talk to her every day and I can still remember the sound of her voice. Cherish the memories, Monte.
Monte Stevens
Thank you. As I sat on my rock at the natural area this morning I did talk with her. I have found there are times when I forget she is not here to talk with or send a text message to her. I will cherish the memories.