“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.”
Pablo Picasso
My online journal where I share my interests in photography, nature, coffee life, journaling, fountain pens, bicycling, spirituality and asking deep questions.
Cedric Canard
My son has quite a few tattoos, all related to his novels, which has led me to become rather interested in this whole genre of artistry. My son’s tattooist also draws the covers to his books and I’ve seen some of her artworks (not all of them being on epidermis canvases) and I’ve come to have a real appreciation for it with its nuances, its techniques, its history, its various cultural affiliations each with its own distincts styles. Like all art forms, it has its purists and it has those who are as superficial about it as the ink on their skin.
Anyway, I like your portrait. She looks like someone who’d be interesting to talk to.
Monte Stevens
My youngest daughter has several tattoos as does one grandson. I’ve heard people say they can become addictive, the first will put you on a path for more. I have seen some tattoos that are wonderful works of art and, of course, some that aren’t. My mother surprised us when at the age if 70 decided it was time and has a gecko put on her ankle.
This young lady works as a barista at one the local coffee shops. She is interesting to chat with, has a big heart and confidence in who she is.
From my experience of growing up in conservative North Carolina, many of my father’s generation or older believed only those of “questionable upbringing” would have tattoos. Today, my son has several tattoos and I got my first and only one when I was in my 40’s. Time changes preconceptions. I’d agree with Cedric for some it’s superficial but for others, it’s deeply personal and meaningful…kinda of a Graphic Journal of their life. There are also certainly some badly done tattoos our there. I personally prefer the look of high quality black only tattoos, with shading, such as those of the interesting young woman in your image. Monte, did you make this photo before or after getting a tattoo?
Monte Stevens
I do not have a tattoo as I’m not that interested in one. I must admit the thought has crossed my mind but it would only be done for show. There is no deep inner desire for me. My youngest daughter and my two sisters have tattoos with personal and deep meaning to them.
Yes, it was at one time a rebellious thing to have a tattoo. Navy guys on a drunken bender wakes to find one on his arm. Belonging to a group. Time does change the meaning of them and know where some people have tattoos altered/changed later in life.
What a bummer, I thought the picture was a preview of a “getting a tattoo” story.
Monte Stevens
Nope, not interested in having one. although, I have seen some really good ones on people.