This past weekend a woman sat across from me at one of the local coffeehouses I patronize. After sitting down I noticed she pulled out a small sketch book from here purse and began to draw. Her hands and the task of sketching immediately perked my attention. After interrupting her she agreed to allow me to photograph her hands as she sketched. This then led to a short conversation and a chance to share something about one another. A camera has the potential to allow for new encounters. Thank you, Betty!
Great photo, Monte. I’m sure her sketching has opened many opportunities for conversations as well.
Monte Stevens
I agree but she is also an outgoing person. Not sure there are many strangers in her life. The artist in her may be the source of that.
A camera’s not quite as good as a dog in that regard, but it ain’t bad!
Monte Stevens
Or a cute grandchild.
Alexandra M
My husband and I LOVE sweet Betty and spend every weekend with her at the Little Bird Bakeshop. She told us all about you today. We should all meet up sometime. Blessings and what a lovely capture of Betty and her precious spirit!
Monte Stevens
We spent 10 minutes chatting and enjoyed her attitude and energy. We talked about shooting some portraits so I hope we can meet again to set something up.