Once a child has learned to read alone, and can pick up a book without illustrations, he must become a creator, imagining the setting of the story, visualizing the characters, seeing facial expressions, hearing the inflection of voices. The author and the reader ‘know’ each other; they meet on the bridge of words.
Madeleine L’Engleo
Faye White
It’s true, of course. We imagine all of the details of a story. If the book is made into a movie, our visions collide with those of someone else.
Monte Stevens
I have come to be aware that Hollywood alters too much for me. I’ll go with my imagination that is based on my life experiences. Much more reality in them than Hollywood.
I like that reference – a bridge of words. Although I do think it is not so easily built, at least for me it isn’t. I should practice more perhaps.
Monte Stevens
As she does reference in her quote it does take both people so my responsibility is to work on my end of the bridge, both as a reader and as a writer. But I understand exactly what you’re saying in Mark. And, hopefully I’m learning in my practice.
That’s a wonderful quote and resonates with this reader.
Monte Stevens
Yes, I think eer quotes resonates with a lot of us. Hope you are staying warm.