Tis the season for fall colors. The days are getting shorter so the trees are preparing for the coming winter. As the trees begin to shut down their food-making factories, the green chlorophyll disappears from the leaves. As the green begins to fade we start to see the yellows, oranges and reds. As the fall colors appear, other changes are taking place. At the point where the stem of the leaf is attached to the tree, a special layer of cells develops and gradually severs the tissues that support the leaf. At the same time, the tree seals the cut, so that when the leaf is finally blown off by the wind or falls from its own weight, it leaves behind a leaf scar. I enjoy this time of the year because of the color changes and the variety of patterns we see on the leaves. They say that each snowflake is unique, no two are alike. I wonder if that is true for the leaves. I’m fascinated all the designs nature has been working on. Nature stays pretty busy.
Steve Skinner
Fall is my favorite time of the year. The variety in the leaf patterns has always amazed me.
Monte Stevens
The leaves had really spoken to me this year. It seems they so much more beautiful this year, more patterns and shapes. I just love it! Thanks.
Tom Dills
We’re seeing signs of fall here already, and it seems way too early. Very nice fall preview, Monte!
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Tom. You guys have far more colors with all the hardwood trees. I’m envious of you for that.
I look forward to this time of year. There seems to be more opportunities for photos than any other season and the weather is just about perfect here in Western New York.
Monte Stevens
There is something about the coolness of the mornings and evenings that I enjoy. There is a crispness in the air and those leaves begin to change colors and fall. And, you’re lucky to have the hardwood trees with more colors to enjoy.
I’ll be heading to the mountains tomorrow, which is where Vanessa lives. I see that they temperatures will be in the upper 30s. I think that it’s time to abandon the shorts, wear jeans, and take a jacket. The daytime temps are still in the 70s up there and, as of yesterday in Charlotte, mid-80s. The leaves haven’t even started to change much at all here. I’ll have my camera with me and hopefully I can find a bit of color.
That’s some cool information about how trees shed their leaves. Very cool!
Monte Stevens
A good or at least an expectant photographer always has a camera! I had to look up the info on the changing leaves as I couldn’t remember from my high school days. Wiped that memory bank clean with too many parties in college. At least I think I knew it back then.
Cedric Canard
This is one season I sadly do not get to experience where I live (winter is the other season but that season I don’t miss so much
). Nature stays green all year round here. So it’s nice to get a taste of autumn through northern-hemisphere bloggers such as yourself Monte.