It is unusual for us along the Colorado Front Range to have snow on the ground for this long. Due tot he frigid temperatures there has been snow since Thanksgiving. This last snowfall of 6-8 inches was a wet one so it was a beautiful snowfall. Snow on top of snow.

I do have a request. I’d like to ask for input from all who care to comment on an addition to my website. At the top you will find a new tab called “prints”. This will link to my Fine Art America site where people can purchase some of my images as prints on several mediums and a ton of other products. I would appreciate any feed back on what you think or any errors you may find. Thanks.
Cedric Canard
Looks great Monte but then with photos like yours, it couldn’t look any other way.
Monte Stevens
You’re way too kind Cedric, but you just made 50 points on my list!
Well, I have had friends ask if they could buy a print so I decided to give this a try. Most of what I’ve read about this company is on the positive side. I signed up on their free account five years ago but did not pursue it any further. For some reason I thought about them and decided to look closer. A years term is only $30, making a break even point with only a couple sales. Time will tell.
I also must admit I’ve not been to excited about selling my images, that’s not why I carry a camera everywhere I go. It is a love, a form of expression for me and an outlet of my creativity.
Cedric Canard
I’m not being too kind, you have some seriously beautiful photos.
I had a go at something like this some years back when a friend of a friend started up such a web site. I initially joined in support and eventually the site became a huge success. I never sold anything beyond a postcard or two and I stopped doing it. On a positive note I did meet Ted Byrne there so it was well worth it
Good luck with yours Monte and once again, with sincerity rather than kindness, your photos are beautiful.
Steve Skinner
I like the new page; it’s very ogranized and easy to use.
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Steve. It feels strange to post my images to the internet for sale. Sort of turns my stomach. Most likely my fears and insecurities.
Tom Dills
This is a very interesting venture, Monte. I wish you the best of luck and look forward to seeing and hearing how it turns out for you. I know several people who sell through Fine Art America but have no idea how much they sell. It looks like they handle all the printing, payment and fulfillment, so how hard could it be even if you don’t sell a bunch.
I have some of my prints with a print-on-demand publisher that deals with the decor and hospitality industries. Progress so far has been disappointing but other than uploading the files there is very little work for me beyond occasional sending new files for consideration. They have exclusives on those files but I still have plenty I could sell another way.
What was interesting to me was seeing the variety of your work over the last few years. I’m mostly familiar with what you have posted on your blog, and there are a lot of great photos on there. This collection goes well beyond that, and it was great to see. I may just need to obtain a Monte Stevens Original to add to my collection!
Love the fire hydrant, by the way!
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Tom. I tried to read as many reviews as possible to see what they are like. For me the key is going to be the quality of the prints and the framing. I’ve just ordered two framed prints to see what they look like. I’ll let you know what I think about them.
They have different ways for the artists to promote themselves which I will need to look into more. One option they have is posting to Facebook and Twitter a thumbnail of your latest image and a link to your site.
The images on my blog over the past 5 years has changed since I started flying and spending more time on the streets. In the back of my mind is a voice urging me to drive out east more often. I always enjoy my time out there whether I come home with any keeper or not.
It was 7 degrees this morning waiting at the bus stop this morning. Stay warm.