A cool 20 degrees and clear skies this morning to end the year. I got up early so I could watch the predawn colors over Dixon Reservoir at Pineridge Natural Area. So beautifully quiet up there. An owl would hoot once in a while, giving notice, or warning, of their presence. I took a few photos of the subtle colors. When my hands got cold I headed to Mugs for an Old Town mocha made by Adrianna.
I’m not much of a New Years celebration type of guy. And, I have never been one to make new year’s resolutions, probably because I’m not good at keeping them or remembering them. I’m practicing a way of life where each day is an opportunity to step over a new threshold into a world of experiences and lessons. No better gift than that! When I don’t plan tomorrow I will not be disappointed and more apt to enjoy life’s surprises! However, I may gather with friends early this evening and hopefully be sound asleep by nine. I assume that’s due to age and wisdom (those lessons learned)!! May your coming year be full of unimaginable gifts and may you and your families be healthy. Thank you for your presence and comments on my blog this past year.
geri oster
Thank you and Blessings, Monte.
Monte Stevens
Thank you, Geri. And don’t call asking for bail money tonight because I’m broke!!! Love you, my friend!
Geri Oster
It’s always such a comfort to know who your real friends are!! Loads of love in return, g.
Beautiful image, Monte. I hope you have a safe and happy New Year. We will celebrate with a movie and an early bedtime. I hope to make it to 10 PM but that’s a stretch for me.
Monte Stevens
Thank you and Happy New Year!!
It’s the end of one and the beginning of another. Happy New Year, Monte. I look forward to reading more of your excellent posts this year.
Monte Stevens
And Happy New Year to you and Bonnie. I also am expecting to read and enjoy more of your work! I hope it is good year in spite of the difficulties.