Avian,  natural areas,  quotes

The Literature of the Spirit

Pelican in early morning fog at Arapaho Bend Natural Area – May 2023

One of our problems today is that we are not well acquainted with the literature of the spirit. We’re interested in the news of the day and the problems of the hour.

Joseph Campbell

My wife and I separated in 1991 and sold the house that fall. I drove away with everything I owned in the back of a small Ford Ranger pickup and with a feeling I was not familiar with. Her and I were closing one chapter of our lives and moving forward into another. It was a time of letting go. One thing that I have fully embraced from that day to the present was the letting go of television. I have not owned one since then. I came to a place where I’m not interested in the news of the day, the problems of the hour or what society considers entertainment. I focus my attention on the reality of life, one-on-one time with family and friends, the gift of time in nature, reaching out to the needs of those who are suffering, time in solitude, silence, prayer and meditation, journaling, photography and listening to the spirit that pervades everything. I guess you can say that’s being acquainted with the literature of the spirit.

Six years ago today I had open heart surgery. That valve lasted about four years when it failed and they needed to replace it in a TAVR procedure, March 2023. So today I am grateful and living life as full as I can. Thank you to all who have been reading these ramblings over the years!!

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku/poetry. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Earl

    We celebrate your life and journey as well, Monte. Sharing your photos, meaningful quotes, and relative thoughts enriches us, your readers. Thank you!

    We have a couple of TVs in our house, but we probably watch less news than ever. I enjoy watching good movies—both new and old—as well as well-made documentaries and series, especially foreign ones. However, finding something “worthwhile” is a bit like searching for a prince; you have to kiss frogs. I can’t count how many shows and movies we’ve given up on partway through. I’ve also bailed on books after just a chapter or two.

    Recently, I’ve been reading a fictional story for light entertainment about a person who experienced a great injustice and became a vigilante. This character makes many personal choices that shape their journey. We’ve all heard—or even used—the phrase “I had no choice.” However, there is always a choice; we just may not like or feel ready to face the consequences. Now, my “deeper thoughts” on the profound topic of choice were inspired by what many might consider trivial, mindless entertainment. Inspiration comes in all forms, and isn’t that a great thing? 😉

    • Monte Stevens

      Thanks to both of you for being a reader of this blog. I’ve lost the interest in the movies but a good documentary will catch my eye. It’s rather difficult to find the “worthwhile” stuff and most likely because I really don’t look for them. YouTube is not a place I like and can be addictive to some people.

      The thing about a book I can’t get past chapter two is waiting for some period of time and trying again. I’ve had that happen a years later, if the book is till around.

      Inspiration comes in a variety of colors and shapes. A comment or question from a friend or stranger can be a starting point for me. I have been inspired by your comments and blogs. And, totally it’s a great thing!!

  • Rebecca Charese Jones

    What an amazing reminder to always be present in the moment we’re in, to slow down and live life. I am glad to know you today and everyday, and everyday I will keep praying for your continued good health and well being!