“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” ― Dr. Seuss
Living near a college campus allows me to see many students sitting at a coffee shop with a cup of coffee or tea and an open book before them. We call it study time. We are all students whether working on that college degree, studying for a real estate license, self improvement, learning a second language, studying the bible or our drivers test. With a notebook and pencil we work on notes for a term paper, or highlight some paragraph or verse that’s important. On my first glance I was taken with this woman’s hands. As a photographer I wanted a photo of her beautiful hands. With her permission I took couple of photos to show off those hands and tell of someone who is reading and learning. Who knows where it will take us.
Steve Skinner
Monte, you captured the power of her hands!
Monte Stevens
I like your choice of words, “powerful.” Thanks, Steve.
I’ve thought about doing a hands only series – may yet. Hands carry a lot of character. Like the one you have here – excellent shot.
Monte Stevens
That would be a good project. I’ve just not pursued it directly. Whenever I see someones hands that catch my attention I want to shoot.
Cedric Canard
Hands are a brilliant subject. As telling about a person as their face if you know how to look. Nice capture Monte.
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Cedric.