“The secret to life is to put yourself in the right lighting. For some, it’s a Broadway spotlight; for others, a lamplit desk. Use your natural powers — of persistence, concentration, and insight — to do work you love and work that matters. Solve problems. make art, think deeply.”
Susan Cain
For any photographer to return home with an image that we feel is a keeper, we must place ourselves in the right spot, at the right time, to find the right light. Photography as well as a spiritual practice have been the work I needed to help me to live life, solve problems, make art and think deeply. I think Susan is spot on. It’s 23 degrees this morning with clear skies and wind. They are predicting rain and snow this evening in the high country and a slight possibility for the foothills and plains. Hope you use your natural powers!
Such a nice quote. Living on the east coast I’m now up and about before you post your daily missive where before you’d always beat me to it.
Monte Stevens
I’m also slacking more and staying under the covers more often. I also like the quote and a new one for me as is the author.
Susan Cain wrote “Quiet” about introverts which hits home quite often.
“Solve problems, make art, think deeply.” Easy peasy.
It is all about the light.
Monte Stevens
Totally, but we have to be there. I think you are one who does solve problems, make art and think deeply. Enjoy your weekend!
The quote also reminded me of the saying that if you do something you love, you’ll never work a day in your life…or something like that.
You did beautiful framing of “the light” in your photo.
Monte Stevens
It also triggered that memory for me. This is one of those locations where I go often enough that I can experiment a lot.
I also like the framing in this. I like the unconventional approach of it.
I think any power I may have is in need of recharging.
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Mark. It could be our belief in the innate power we are all born with, yet kept hidden for many reasons. I’ve heard it said life is mystery and maybe believing in ourselves is one of them.